201 North Dallas Ave | Lamesa, TX 79331
“Let's Talk Tires!”

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Rate our service in each of the following areas. 1 is poor, 5 is excellent.

Our Store12345
Appearance: Was the store overall clean and presentable?
Waiting Area: Was the waiting area clean and comfortable?
Store Hours: Were the store hours convenient?
Our Employees12345
Helpful: Was it easy to get help when you needed it?
Knowledgeable: Did our employees know what they were talking about?
Prompt and Courteous: Were our employees attentive?
Our Goods12345
Competitive Price
Our Services12345
Competitive Price

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Cooper Tires Kelly Tires Goodyear Tires Toyo Tires Firestone Tires Firestone Tires Firestone Tires

Lamesa Tire & Battery in Lamesa, TX

Let's talk tires, automotive service, and auto repairs at Lamesa Tire & Battery. Our family owned and operated auto repair and tire shop in Lamesa, TX  provides you with affordable tires, professional auto repairs, and sincere service each and every time you visit us. We're conveniently close to both Welch, TX and Ackerly, TX. Stop over and shop for passenger tires and farm tires from respected brands at admirable prices, or contact us for a brake repair, battery replacement, or other auto repair service. We're happy to help and ready to get you back on the road safe.

Contact Us

Phone: (806) 872-6702
Fax: (806) 870-3888
Address: 201 North Dallas Ave
Lamesa, TX 79331

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